How much control do we have over our own lives?

kay: How much control do we have over our own lives?
Is everything that happens to us fate, or do we control our lives completely? Would things still happen even if we had done something differently? Is everything meant to happen, or do things happen because of our choices?


🙂 bigcherrybomb
we might not have much choice as to what randomly happens to us but we do have control over how we respond to whatever it is. our actions give us choice.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

  1. Worrier said:

    I wonder the same thing. My life seems so screwed up right now

  2. Anita said:

    to my mind, we control our lives completely.we can use our ability to change mostly things.everything happen because of what we do in our life.just like that, we can choice whether get up early, and the development of after with waht will happend if we get up early

  3. Faith said:

    More than we think we do. If you haven’t realized how much power we have over our own lives than when you finally do realize it it will turn your world upside down. Some things were meant to happen. Some things we can’t prevent. But your life is your own. Believe me, whatever you want, whether it’s happiness, success, truth, love, etc is possible. Sometimes it’s just a matter of what you’re willing to sacrifice. But life will open up if you do.

  4. redundantchange said:

    Maybe we have no free will, if we live in a universe governed by laws of physics than are we not an unwinding clock?

    Maybe we absolutely have free will; But many of life’s choices are between doing and dieing. you must eat, sleep, experience, and this is not of your control or will it is external.

    So maybe it is somewhere in-between; an existence that is shaped from our surroundings but also external from them.

    I personally think it varies from person to person. Me- maybe 5% free will and 95% predestined.
    but other great figures of history maybe have much more. It is a process also i believe of uncovering what is free will.

  5. Jimmy said:

    we can deal with most thing in our life. what we think about our event and the decision whice we make a decision will make an influence in the future

  6. Generalist said:

    There are no absolutes in a situation as complex as life, or with being as complex as humans.

    The most control we have over our lies is in deciding what to believe.

    Those beliefs decide perspective, which determines thought, and speech.

    Those get a response from the environment.

    It is possible to rationalize this process by adopting, not beliefs, but easily verifies basic realities as your foundation.

    You can get a lot of answers that tell you of your powerlessness: acceptance, seek a higher power, get therapy, wait, get a dog, or cat, read some book that retells the story of impermanence-another form of powerlessness.

    Almost no one will tell you how to develop the power you already have, and don’t know about.

    Your question indicates that you are looking for that.

    The line you can use to energize yourself, no matter what the situation is only six words long.

    It soothes the trouble, reminds you of what you can do, starts your power flowing, and changes probability in you favor.

    It happens to be pronounced in Japanese because the developer was Japanese, and the group that teaches the method is headquartered in Japan.

    You can use it to solve problems, become a wise person, have great relationships, or just calm your nerves.

    The majority of people in countries run by higher-power fanatics don’t like it because they are seeking to avoid personal responsibility.

    When you have a method that lets you engage your own hidden power, you become responsible for your own life.

    That is popular in talk, and not in action.

    The line is, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

  7. Raja said:

    It depends on what fed in your mind since childhood and how much did you accept them all.

    God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time. That’s why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. It’s a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being is just a robot made of different materials (flesh, bones, tissues etc.,) and toy of the spirits for their games.

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